Dental Sedation during Pregnancy

Can You Receive Dental Sedation for Work during Pregnancy?

May 20, 2022

Dental sedation is the technique of using medications to help patients with dental anxiety to relax during their procedure. Some patients might require mild sedation to help alleviate their dental anxiety, while others may require a deeper level of sedation for comfort.

Every patient is unique when matters related to dental anxiety are concerned. For example, some people become nervous about painful procedures like root canals or extractions. Unfortunately, many people need sedation even during routine dental cleanings. However, is the safety of dental sedation questionable during pregnancy? Here is the information you are looking for.

Dental Sedation Is Better Avoided during Pregnancy

Many drugs used in dental sedation are not considered safe for use during pregnancy, while some are safer than others. For example, medications from the benzodiazepine family are deemed unsafe to administer to patients on expecting patients based on conflicting evidence.

Substances like nitrous oxide, alternatively called laughing gas, are also controversial for use during pregnancy because the risk to the fetus remains present. Therefore if you need dental work but cannot delay it until after pregnancy, your dentist might recommend this option.

How Do I Prepare Myself for Dental Work While Pregnant?

If you require dental work while pregnant, you must discuss the treatment with your prenatal care provider and dentist, explaining the situation to them and requesting assistance. Dentists understand some dental procedures cannot wait and discuss safer sedatives for use during your procedure. Generally, sedation during pregnancy is only used for scenarios where significant pain, stress, or fears are anticipated.

The dentist in Phoenix, AZ, will work with you to select the safest sedative and use minimal quantities to ensure you are comfortable during the procedure if expecting. Depending on the dental work needed, you may only require local anesthesia, not dental sedation.

Dental care is critical during pregnancy because women are at higher risk of tooth decay from morning sickness, pregnancy gingivitis, and other conditions. Therefore, it helps to maintain regular visits to your dentist while pregnant to ensure you don’t develop any conditions that might require intensive treatments with dental sedation.

Can You Receive Sedation While Pregnant?

Most dentists try to avoid administering dental sedation to pregnant patients. They aim to prevent the potential side effects the drugs may have on the fetus. Depending on the type of sedation used, some varieties of sedation dentistry can pass through the placenta to the unborn baby to result in problems with development. It is why most medical professionals recommend women wait until the second trimester before considering any dental work. Centennial women are advised to avoid receiving dental sedation during their first trimester due to early fetal development and the third trimester because of the risk of preterm labor. However, the safest option for pregnant women is to avoid dental sedation until after the birth of their baby, if possible.

Is Tooth Removal Painful?

Tooth removal without anesthesia is undoubtedly painful and will likely cause unnecessary discomfort. Fortunately, the dentist near me provides local anesthesia considered safe for use during pregnancy. The local anesthesia numbs the area around the affected tooth to enable the dentist to remove it painlessly. Local anesthesia also ensures you don’t need dental sedation to relax during tooth removal and can rest assured the medicines injected into your mouth will not affect your baby.

During pregnancy, routine dental appointments for cleanings and exams or gum treatment are entirely safe and essential. These treatments don’t require dental sedation or local anesthetics. Many women need periodontal therapy because they experience the symptoms of gum disease during this period with gum swelling and bleeding.

Dentists recommend pregnant women care for their oral health as best possible by maintaining an excellent dental hygiene regimen and getting regular checkups and cleanings as recommended. If pregnant women require any essential dental work, they must discuss the procedure with their prenatal care provider and dentist before confirming or negating their acceptance. While many dental procedures are performed during pregnancy, most are better left to the second trimester. Some like cosmetic dentistry procedures are better delayed until after the baby’s birth.

Pregnancy is a beautiful time when women are uncertain and cautious. Therefore, women will do well to avoid elective dental procedures that might require sedation and only opt for essential techniques during their pregnancy for their safety and that of their baby.

All Smile Dental Care treats many pregnant women seeking essential treatments during this sensitive period. If you need any dental work requiring dental sedation, please call this practice for the help you need.

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